OUR FAX LINE IS DOWN due to Monday's Rogers outage. We are working with our IT service provider to get our fax working soon. We are committed to excellent service, and this has put a stop to our responses. If you need to talk to our office admins, please call 905.648.6883. If urgent, please email us your referral at info@ancastercardiology.ca



What is a stress test?

 During a stress test -aka exercise electrocardiogram– your heart will be monitored while performing physical activity. During this test you will walk/run on a treadmill and our technician will monitor your heart rate, your heart’s electrical activity and blood pressure.

 Stress tests are usually done to find the causes of unexplained chest pain, to determine coronary artery disease progression, or to investigate irregular heart beats.

 How do you prepare for the test?

  • Wear comfortable clothing and running shoes.
  • Do not eat a heavy meal or smoke within two hours prior to your appointment.
  • Keep yourself hydrated.

 What to expect during the test? 

  • A technician will attach electrodes on your chest and explain the procedure.
  • You can perform this test with a naked torso or with a clinic gown.
  • You will be asked to walk on the treadmill
  • It is a non invasive often painless test, but it might trigger discomfort or other symptoms.
  • The test lasts between 15 and 30 minutes.





What is an Echocardiogram?

 An echocardiogram (ECHO) is an ultrasound test of your heart. Through the latest technology, our technician will be able to create pictures of your heart and evaluate size, shape, texture and movement of your heart valves and chambers.

 How do you prepare for the test?

  • Your appointment is exclusive for you which means there is virtually no waiting time.
  • Please arrive within no more than 10 minutes of your appointment.
  • If you need to, use the washrooms located at the hallway before entering the clinic.
  • If you need to cancel or reschedule, please do so within 48 hours so we can assign the appointment to other patients in the waiting list.

 What to expect during the test?

  • A gel is placed on your chest to help transmit the sound waves.
  • The technician places and moves a transducer over your chest.
  • You will be laying down on your left side mostly for the entire test.
  • This test involves no pain or discomfort.
  • A typical test takes about 40-60 minutes.




What is a Holter monitoring?

A Holter is a small recording device that is directly connected to your chest through electrodes. This testing may last 24, 48, 72 or more hours.

During the period of the test, the Holter device will perform an extended electrocardiogram of your heart, which will be later downloaded to a computer and used by our Doctors to perform a diagnosis over your symptoms.

How do you prepare for this test?

  • Shower the day of the test. Once the Holter is placed you won’t be able to shower for more than 24 hours.
  • Wear comfortable clothing (i.e buttoned up shirts, sports bra).

What to expect during the test?

  • A technician will explain the procedure.
  • Your chest area will be cleaned and prepped appropriately.
  • Electrodes will be placed on your chest directly connected to wires that connect to the Holter monitor.
  • You won’t be able to shower once the monitor is placed until your testing period ends.
  • You will wear a belt that holds the Holter monitor, the wires and the electrodes at all times for the entire testing period.




What is a Patch Holter monitor?

A Patch Holter is a small cloth patch with a recording device that is directly connected to your chest with a sticker (no wires). This testing lasts 72 hours .

During the period of the test, the Holter device will perform an extended electrocardiogram of your heart, which will be later downloaded to a computer and used by our Doctors to perform a diagnosis over your symptoms.

The benefit of this kind of monitor is that the patch is water resistant and that the patient will not require to return the monitor to the clinic. They will use it for 72 hours and mail it once done at no extra cost. The patient will receive all the instructions and a mailing label the day is connected.

How do you prepare for this test?

  • Shower the day of the test. Although, this particular device allows the patient to shower while using it.
  • Wear comfortable clothing (i.e buttoned up shirts, sports bra).

What to expect during the test?

  • A technician will explain the procedure.
  • Your chest area will be cleaned and prepped appropriately.
  • Patch will be placed on your chest directly .
  • This patch is water resistant. There will be no restrictions during the time of test.
  • This patch does not have wires nor belts. It will be placed directly on patient’s chest.



What is an ECG or an EKG?  

An electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) is a test that checks your heart’s electrical activity. The ECG shows a graph of a specific continued line based entirely in your heart’s electrical impulses. Your Doctor can assess multiple heart conditions based on the final graph strip.

How do you prepare for this test?

Wear comfortable clothes, such as buttoned up shirts or zip up sweaters.

What to expect during the test?

  • A technician will attach electrodes on your chest and explain the procedure.
  • You can perform this test with a naked torso or with a clinic gown.
  • You will be asked lay down in resting position.
  • It is a non invasive often painless test.
  • The test lasts between 5 to 10 minutes.




  • Download the Patient Referral form
  • Fill it up electronically
  • Follow the instructions on how to save it
  • Fax your form to 905.648.1288
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